
A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Mark is unavailable, but you can change that!

Lange’s Commentary on the Holy Scriptures has served as a standard reference for more than a century. The subtitle “Critical, Doctrinal, and Homiletical” aptly describes the three-pronged approach to the biblical text. This translated version of the German text is often considered by many to be superior to the original.

Ver. 40. Meyer: The disciples’ weakness in knowledge and faith is made more prominent by Mark than by the other Synoptics: comp. ch. 6:52; 7:18; 8:17, 18, 33; 9:6, 19, 32, 34; 10:24, 32, 35; 14:40. 1. See on the parallels. 2. Significance of the crisis of deep excitement: mutual reproaches. The disciples allege against the Lord, groundlessly and irreverently, the reproach of not caring for them; He on His side inflicts the well-founded reproof of despondency and lack of faith.
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